
Privacy Policy for all JWSmythe.com sites

All sites may contain some or all of the following 3rd parties.

1. Site access analysis by Google Analytics. This is to understand more about who our visitors are, and how we can serve them better. Google may provide anonymized information including your age, gender, and interests. We don't provide any submitted back to them, other than the standard analytics data.

2. Advertising managed by Google AdSense. They provide the largest ad platform on the Internet. If you feel that this is inappropriate, we strongly recommend using an ad blocker such as uBlock Origin. You may install it via your browser's addons system.

We will not send other 3rd parties personal data.

We will only directly contact you or solicit sales upon your request. Those contacts may include, but are not limited to ... 1. responses to questions about products for sale.

2. invoices for products purchased

3. shipping notification

4. updates about a product you purchased, which may include satisfaction questions and safety notices

Cookies are used during the normal access of the site. They may include, but aren't limited to, authentication tokens, site UUID tokens, on-site display preferences.